Hi everyone today, we're, going to show you how to apply uh instant articles um, we're, going to show you few steps but um. I'm warning you here uh. In some cases you might find your site has approved or something might go wrong anyway, but i'm, going to show you steps which can lead you to successful award implementation.
So now what you need to do you need to write 10 articles. I haven't written them so, but if you can't uh, what you can do you can go here in your articles and say edit in the edit. You can maybe take out some things there.
Then you say update. That is one, so it simply means we updated one uh. So you can see the date we have to update and update and update 10 articles. So we can do here uh instead of end. We can say maybe end and then we update after updating it's.
Fine, maybe you can even go to inside your article and try to change something smaller than you. You you do what you you try to maybe try to update something. Okay. These are three okay. Do you think he is the best okay and go there and update okay? I've, updated three, but it's.
Okay, uh. What i want to do is like it's. Just to show you. If you can't write, go update the old ones, uh! You're gonna. Do what you're gonna see that's? The requirement is to have fresh data. Okay, and here, go to your plugins and say add new.
Then you can look for instant articles. Okay, you're gonna see it it's developed by you. Look for this plugin developed by automatic decode and facebook. Then you say enter you say, install once you install, then you activate the plugin after activation of the plugin you go to plugins, then you look for that plugin.
Okay, then click on setting here you put your page id. So now you go to your facebook and look for your page. The page you want to use okay, let me go to facebook. Okay, after when you're in facebook, you go to see more.
You click two pages once you click that which page do you want to use any page you want. I would choose this other one for numbers leave that alone. After choosing that i'm, gonna say cancer leave this page after in this page, you scroll down here, you're gonna see what they call um publishing tools.
You click there. You must have a webpage, a facebook page anyway. You click there, you go down, you're gonna see a place where it's called uh. Let me see publishing tools, we click there. Then i'll click on, let me say, publish post.
No, it should be here, creator, studio, uh, instant article; no did i click the right thing or publishing tools. Yes, it's. Okay, um published posts, publish schedule. Okay, let me see creator studio when i'm here.
Recent post, no monetization. Okay, you can monetize your things. Okay, no, i don't want that, for now let's, go back, go back, go back, go back and say facebook facebook.com, and then we click on pages uh.
I think i should click okay. When i'm there, i'm gonna click, the same page. No i didn't want that. I want this page click on that page. When you then look for publishing tools, when you click on them, create a studio, i believe this page does not qualify for some things.
So creative tools, let me click there, okay, so it's. Okay. Ah i'm. Gon na go. Choose another page which qualifies i wouldn't tell you how to qualify. What does it mean to for the page, because other pages have been doing that? Let me click here and i '
Ll go to one of the old pages. I wan na go and get to one of the pages which is which i'm, sure that it worked out. So when i click on pages, i'm gonna take the page i used before, which is gonna, be this click on it.
After clicking on it, i go to publishing tools. Okay, you can see when you click there, you see things are a bit different. You can see it shows this one shows the instant. What articles when you click there, you can click on configuration.
When, then, you go to go to creator studio once you're in there, you can select a page. You want to use. So now. I think that's, where i'm gonna take a chance, and i selected that page, okay, the page i wanted, then i say next and they say agree to term and conditions you scroll down.
You read them. If you want to until down, then you're gonna, say button here, which says agree. You agree after that, you say: uh submit. Okay. If you submit this domain claim okay claim domain, you click on claim domain.
So you may take this and put it into your page or they say wordpress plugin. If you're using a plugin, you copy this, you remember, we went to a plugin and you go to here. You can see you put in that page id don't.
Do anything else, you go. You save after saving it's. Okay, after saving that. Ah i managed to save that. Okay, while after saving then say claim uh url, we're, going to claim a url here, which we're gonna take.
This is our url same here, but this time we're, gonna, say https, https and uh. We say justcode.com. I copy that and say enter okay after entering. I know that i grabbed the url. I put it here and i say, claim it's.
A url is not being accepted because the site has minimal readership or which violates the outcome policies. These developers tools, com, instant. Of course you get me so this article is not accepted because of what they say, because it provides because the provided url is not being accepted because the site has minimal readership.
You get me so which violates the instant article policies and docs onto a river at koso, so you can go and read here and see why your site is not accepted. You get me, you click there and say: okay, okay, once it's; okay, it's.
Fine, you can see. Your site must do that. So now i'm gonna go to previous. I'm gonna show you what you do so let me select that page. We already did some stuff there. We say next, you saw how to claim a url.
You click that so once you've clicked that, then i believe you're gonna do what you're gonna have to you see that setup monetization! I did that. Okay, then you said begin you see here. You add articles also, if you add articles here, i'm gonna show you how to add articles, but they won't go in in the in the production, but i'm gonna show you how they show Up after doing that, my website also has some issues.
Uh, i can't do that, but i know the steps and stuff, so i will work out on what is causing the problem, but um anyway, regardless i'm gonna show. You so what you do i'm gonna show you a different site, but all the steps we '
Ve done you see this site was claimed. You can see. Well, it was well claimed you can see. I did what i've done, then it was. It shows green configuration article style that you could leave it to what they call default.
So here, if you say production you go here and you click here you say: add rs feed because we have um a what a plugin already it has its own rs feed. You set your site, stroke, feed, stroke, instant articles.
So after that, you copy that and you go and paste in the url here after pasting, the url make sure you go back here. It should be your site http. If you don't put http, it won't. Allow look if you try to save what you gonna say you are provided for your rs feed is invalid.
Please make sure that you are using a valid http or http url. Okay, you can see you cancel back, you go and say you put in https. Then you say then put that then you say save if i save it's. Gon na give me an error, but don '
T worry about that. I'm gonna grab. This save you see, error occurs, okay, so one of the reason is because it claims it has minimal readership. So now, because that's, the issue, what we did we said next uh don '
T worry about that. What we did to prove that's, the way you have to do it we did put in the url here. So if you go here and you say, click add to fit you click in here. This is not. This is development production.
You see your feed was successful. Feeds are refreshed multiple times every hour. They say next. Okay, after next, you can see that all our our our articles are being pulled out from the website. You can see caf champions league without samir, so i'm gonna show you some here.
So when we go to that website, you're gonna see all those articles, so you can see comfy cup caf champions league pizza. Without some air you can see. All of these articles are being pulled out. Remember here we're dealing with a uh pro.
Not production is development, so in development it simply means those articles are in draft. So simply means your. Your page is working hundred percent, but i wouldn't. Tell you what's, the problem? Why the in the production they say the site has minimal what uh readership so simply means we have to go and investigate on that matter, but anyway, this is not hundred percent, but this is the way you do it.
Uh uh. If i jumped some steps, i'm 100. Sure i'm human and i got mistakes. I do, but anyway, um i've, showed you some uh steps and a lot of people. They complain about facebook that uh they have that issue, but they never fixed it.
Uh your domain might be accepted or not accepted. Mine is not accepted, but i can manage to put what articles in draft then i can see them. You get me so when i see them, it simply means that there's, something wrong which stops my site to be included into the uh, the normal way of the articles to go in so that's.
The way you saw the production, but that's, why here at costinco here they come. So if i click here, you can see them. But if i go previous - and i click here - there's, nothing i see because they didn't come in thanks for watching guys.
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