- Hey, and I just wanted to share with you a great training that we just had with our team this morning. Now for better or worse, the majority of Americans have become mobile users for Google search, research, reading articles, things like, and it's probably no surprise that there has been a lag in catching up with mobile users in mobile responsiveness of websites for companies.
How many times a day have you seen an article on Facebook or researched something on Google on your phone and had a very negative user experience? Why won't this article load? I just wanna, wait, where'd that ad come from? Move.
Oh, where was my spot? Never mind. Companies like Google and Facebook have really picked up on this negative, clunky, slow user experience, and they try to optimize it for viewers. And if you're like me and you're a little oblivious, you might not have even noticed the changes they've both made, but I'm gonna show you some of em right now.
The first is Facebook Instant Articles, and it allows publishers all over the world to deliver incredibly fast and immersive reading experiences for Facebook viewers. So when you see that lightning bold, you know that a publisher is using those Facebook Instant Articles, and Facebook has put out a lot of great stats surrounding it.
According to Facebook, these instant articles are 10 times faster than normal web articles, and they're 20% more likely to be read on average. And 70% of mobile users are less likely to abandon these articles because they load so quickly.
The catch with Facebook Instant Articles is that these articles actually live in Facebook, so if you went to the website and read the same article there, it would not be the same user experience. If you started doing some of your own research like we did, you might notice that not a lot of companies use Facebook instant articles probably because of this feature.
But if you're really interested, it's open to all publishers if you go to instantarticles.fb.com. It'll tell you the three steps to sign up. Now the other company essentially doing the same thing as Facebook Instant Articles is Google, and there's is called Google AMP.
Now AMP for Google means Accelerated Mobile Pages, and it's a project that they've been working on for a few months now. Unlike Facebook, Google AMP is open-source, so those accelerated mobile pages of yours open on your actual company website.
AMP is also open to all publishers, so if you're interested in setting it up for your website, go to AMPproject.org. Now if you're a Hubspot user like we are, the best news is that Hubspot is building AMP into the blog tool for all users starting Q1.
So by April, all of your blog articles will be accelerated mobile pages anyways. So great news, less work for us. So I wanna challenge all of you viewers out there to do a little digging into AMP and Instant Articles for yourself.
See if the user experience is all that different. And of course, don't forget to snap us back and let us know your thoughts. Have a good one!
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